Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Reception Get Juicy

Walked into the office this morning to see that the girls on reception had found our stash of 5alive and were getting involved!

What can we say, it's juicy!

Monday, 14 September 2009

Taste Test

We just had a great tasting session where most of the agency turned out!

Was the winner juice A or Juice B?????

In case you are wondering, 5alive was a clear winner!

Up For It.

5-Alive travels to the Swiss Alps in search of adventure.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

And from us at unprompted awareness of 5 Alive...

Lots of mums in iris Towers to research our routes and some very positive reactions from them...

Monday, 7 September 2009

Barnet Taste Test

Very unscientific taste test with some family friends...

They are habitual buyers of Tesco & Asda own brand apple juice (because the kids hate Pure Orange Juice). They had a undrunk carton of 5-Alive in the fridge (got it given to them as part of a Burger King meal deal!), so we did a quick compare & contrast session.

5-Alive will now be appearing on the weekly shopping list.

1 mum down, 15million to go..

Friday, 4 September 2009

Some inspiration

Full of fruit, colour, jelly, ice cream, kiddy stuff....

Bring back umbongo

Wow, campaign to bring back umbongo!


Trying to buy some juice for breakfast

No wonder consumers are lost in the juice aisle - this is only a small independent!

Five Alive out and about

Total random sighting of a carton of 5-alive at London Bridge station....this guy loves it so much that the IC packs aren't enough for him!

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Mums love 5-alive...

Lots of fond memories of 5-alive for our mums but a mixed reaction to when they would drink it...breakfast vs. on the go.  Seems to depend on when they were first introduced to the brand.

Getting out heads around '5-alive mums'

Fruity Pictures

A forgotten taste...

Bonnie & Paul's first taste of 5-alive in a long time...

Realistic people in ads

Here's some ads I helped create a while ago for Birdseye - a kitchen scenario but one that felt more real:

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Post-tissue session creative de-brief....lots of ideas, lots of coffee and some great direction.  Going to be a very fun week...

Monday, 31 August 2009



What is all that about. Your guess is as good as ours. Mad.

Nice idea....weird execution


Web reviews of the enemy.

 The man from Del Monte.. He Say It's an Ok Drink. 
Review of Del Monte Pure Orange Juice by mentalmickey100

Advantages: Lovely, Very tasty.
Disadvantages: Can taste sour sometimes, but i am not sure whether thats just me LOL.

...a masterpiece, a wonderful drink..... Del Monty Pure Orange Juice. It is on offer at a bargain basement price of 59p for a 1 litre carton, to good to miss i think, so i take one of these with my sausage roll to the till and purchase them both. So i say goodbye to me work friends and leave the premises. It is quite a nice day outside, very warm and sunny, so i decide to leave my coat at work and just walk home in my shirt and trousers, and of course ...
...a green colour with the Del Monty logo flashed across it. It has a pull open lid with a silver metal piece placed accross the drink spout. I am to be honest finding it really difficult to write to much about this drink. It is freshly squeezed ornange juice, like many others, but it is by del monty, which is a brand name, and a very good one at that. I would say this is overall one of the best Pure Orange Juices around. If you have not tried it, ... Read review

Ciao members have rated this review on average very helpful
very helpful

 Pure, orangey goodness in a can! 
Review of Del Monte Pure Orange Juice by perfan

Advantages: Orange juice in a can!
Disadvantages: Can be very acidic

...and veg a day, the Del Monte promise (Unsweetened; naturally rich in Vit C; a good source of folic acid; virtually fat free), how to store and instructions for use - just in case you've never drunk from a can before. Attractive, good source of information but rather unoriginal. ****Contents**** The can is filled pretty much to the top with pure orange juice. It is orange (!) in colour and a good consistency - not to watery but too thick - ...
...Vit C. One 200ml glass is equal to one portion of fruit and veg (five portions a day is supposedly the healthiest amount) ****Other info**** Once opened, drink within 4 days. Shake before opening. Produced by: Del Monte Europe Ltd, PO Box 3, Staines, Middx, TW18 4JR. ... Read review

Ciao members have rated this review on average very helpful

Talking to mums about 'active' kids...


Great campaign that went further than flog Persil powder. After years of wrapping kids in cotton wool, this made mums realise that kids SHOULD be out and about, doing active stuff. 

Its not that kids don't have an up for it spirit (they're born with it)...it's the fact that there is too much in life stopping them.

Hang on lads, i've got an idea.

Initial kick off session at iris Towers. 
Pixie getting excited about one of his ideas. 
Loads of good starters for 10 (there are a million ways into this brief!).
Plenty of interesting stuff to build into the tissue session tomorrow. Looking forward to it!. 

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Look I'm on CCTV

This week has seen me skulking around a number of small corner shops, Londis, the local Somerfield petrol station thingy and studying the ambient juice aisle at Sainsburys. A ’sea of sameness’ is a most fitting description. I’m not singing the company song but it was most heartening to see that even in the packaging stakes, 5 Alive was a refreshing alternative to the uninspiring wall of the competition. Didn’t take any pictures; was worried one of the Mums from my children’s school might have seen me and think me even odder.

Dave J

OMG that's us!

A scary realisation struck me as I listened to the pen portrait during our briefing: the family described could quite easily be mine. The snatched moments at breakfast time, the takeaways and the chance to catch up on some quality time with my feral boys at the weekend. With it being the school holidays, my wife has had the pleasure of their company for the last 6 weeks. There’s nothing she likes more than collecting all the toys up at the end of the day and putting away the bouncy castle. She's convinced the boys grow more like dogs everyday, requiring vast amounts of exercise from stop them trashing the house. We'd been mulling over the idea of a trip to a theme park and the chance discovery of a couple of special 2 for 1 entry offers on a couple of Persil boxes (these places aren’t cheap), and a lovely sunny Sunday, made it all the more enjoyable. That's Joshua and Dad on the Vampire at Chessington.


Friday, 28 August 2009

Fruit Juice to Avoid! | Extra

Fruit Juice to Avoid! | Extra

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